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‘How to be a Chef’ with the Square Food Foundation

The 'How to Be a Chef' course, is for 16-25-year-olds not in full-time employment, education, or training. The course is free to attend and includes 12-weeks of interactive, fun, confidence-boosting cooking. It runs two days a week (Wednesdays and Thursdays), starting April 23, 2025. Recruitment is open now!

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Paid Work

Bristol Jobs Fair

The Bristol Job Fair is a great way to speak with potential employers face-to-face. You can apply for jobs, collect information on employers, ask them questions in-person, and even have a mini interview on the day.

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South Bristol Jobs and Apprenticeships Fair

The event will bring together a range of leading local employers with vacancies and apprenticeships on offer, as well as organisations that can offer key employment advice.

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Employment Support Navigator helping a service user with an application form

Education, Support Programmes

Develop your CV, application writing & interview skills

Would you like help to improve or develop a CV? Improve your application writing and gain tips on how to present yourself at an interview?

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Messy paints on an artists canvas with a child's hand in the foreground

Education, Support Programmes

Get Started in Art

We have spaces left on our Get Started in Art programme for any young people (16-30)

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