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‘How to be a Chef’ with the Square Food Foundation
The 'How to Be a Chef' course, is for 16-25-year-olds not in full-time employment, education, or training. The course is free to attend and includes 12-weeks of interactive, fun, confidence-boosting cooking. It runs two days a week (Wednesdays and Thursdays), starting April 23, 2025. Recruitment is open now!
Paid Work
Bristol Jobs Fair
The Bristol Job Fair is a great way to speak with potential employers face-to-face. You can apply for jobs, collect information on employers, ask them questions in-person, and even have a mini interview on the day.
South Bristol Jobs and Apprenticeships Fair
The event will bring together a range of leading local employers with vacancies and apprenticeships on offer, as well as organisations that can offer key employment advice.
Education, Support Programmes
Develop your CV, application writing & interview skills
Would you like help to improve or develop a CV? Improve your application writing and gain tips on how to present yourself at an interview?
Education, Support Programmes
Get Started in Art
We have spaces left on our Get Started in Art programme for any young people (16-30)