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This week is Learning Disability Week

June 22, 2023

This week, 19th to 23rd June 2023 is Learning Disability Week.

There are 1.5 million people in the UK with a learning disability, and according to figures from Mencap at least 870,000 are of working age. Each individual is unique and brings an array of talents and creativity that makes our society a better place to live and work.

We know only 1 in 20 adults with a learning disability of working age are in paid work . We also know that those who do work are reliable and conscientious. This contributes to an improved company public image which in turn can lead to increased profits. Some more reading here about The Purple Pound – Infographic – Purple (wearepurple.org.uk)

Follow the link below from Mencap to read more about the positive impact employing someone with a learning disability has on business.
